What does this manual offer?

It breaks down Paul Wong’s top healing principles from his last 15 years of professional practice. This should be used together with the Top Healing Techniques of Chinese Energetics & HWP Training Manual to solve the toughest problems.
Participants refer to his work as “magic.” Viewers of the Chinese Energetics Youtube channel have seen him wave his hands, and then pain goes away in seconds. This workbook demystifies everything so you can see exactly what he does step-by-step.
Outsiders perceive his work as extraordinary intuition or psychic abilities. But, it has repeatable steps that anyone can learn and develop lifelong skills.

Healers and coaches can use individual techniques for fast stress and pain relief. They can also apply the entire healing system to solve complex life issues. They can use it to find inner wounds and blocks of chronic health, traumas, self-sabotage, and difficult relationships.
This comprehensive yet simple system teaches how to pinpoint issues to the roots. You will learn energy testing for tracking and correcting root sufferings from ancestors, childhood, collective, and even past lives.
For those interested in personal enlightenment, these techniques take a non-dualistic approach. His work incorporates the teachings of realized masters. He learned from Ramana Maharishi, Karunamayi, Mata Amritanandamayi, and others.
Paul did not start out having these skills in the beginning. He trained extensively with these healing modalities. They include Yuen Method, Matrix Energetics, Spring Forest Qigong, Vortex Healing, EFT, hypnotherapy, Body Talk, Theta Healing, etc.
He has been a lifelong learner studying hypnotherapy, NLP, and Reiki in the 90s. In 2005, he was diagnosed with severe chronic health problems. To resolve them, he trained with the energy healing modalities above. His search for healing took him to ashrams and spiritual masters in India. His techniques are the accumulation of his learnings from teachers and thousands of hours of work with clients, meditation, and self-work.